Including participation in a trade show in your marketing and communication strategy is always an excellent idea. You will benefit from a proven format and will be able to benefit from the press coverage of the event but also to meet and address all the actors of the sector and reap a real return on investment (ROI).

Why exhibiting at a trade show is part of a marketing strategy

It is sometimes said that the trade show media is meeting with ever fiercer competition from digital activation methods. Some people will go as far as to say that trade shows belong to a bygone era. Mistakenly, in our view. In actual fact, the secret lies in creating synergies between digital tech and the physical experience: digital will help save time in planning a trade event (signing up, booking appointments, etc.) and can help a show continue to exist all year long by highlighting exhibitors’ ranges, talks and round table subjects, etc. Therefore, bear in mind that the best marketing strategy is to take advantage of all the levers at your disposal to meet your goals.

the SOLUTRANS exhibition

ROI of the trade show


For 1 euro invested, taking part in a trade show enables companies to generate an average of 10 euros in sales!

Source: Event Data Book - 2018 issue - Unimev

Yes, trade shows do represent a substantial expense in a marketing budget, but they are the only media to offer all exhibitors a one-stop shop where they can promote their firm, present their products, meet customers or sales leads and take the temperature of their sector. In the transport industry, SOLUTRANS stands out as a must-attend event. This unique exhibition brings together all the market players from the van and truck sector, positioned as such as the Global Hub for Heavy and Light Commercial Vehicles.

On the other hand, the key to the success of any event, whether it be a trade show or a consumer exhibition, can be found in its planning. Far too often, exhibitors think they have got everything covered, yet they overlook the “essentials”.

  1. Plan your presence:
  2. Find out everything about the show: the talks and workshop topics, the names of the speakers, who the exhibitors will be, the visitor types, the trends in the sector or sectors represented… in such a way as to design your communication appropriately and plan the right messages for your targets.
  3. Prepare your messages
  4. Organise and plan appointments
  5. Check the slightest of details: your salespeople’s pitch on the stand, their appearance, their timetable when not on the stand, the equipment you intend to use, etc.
  6. Plan your follow-up today: chasing up leads and the follow-up appointment calendar, the post-event debriefing to discuss what could be improved, etc.

Perhaps you’ve never exhibited at a show, or you might have had a few experiences in the past but you are wondering whether a trade show can still help develop your sales. SOLUTRANS does everything it can to make a success out of your participation: take a look at the various articles, infographics and white papers at your disposal to assist you in your trade show adventure!

Whatever your profile, discover all the information you need to:

  • Communicate ahead of the event
  • Present your product range
  • Contact and meet sales leads and clients
  • Motivate your salesforce
  • Generate visibility and look after your brand image
  • Develop your network of partners
A stand at the SOLUTRANS 2021 exhibition

Book your stand

You wish exhibit at SOLUTRANS 2025 ? Estimate your participation & book your stand on the online platform.
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